26 Emobilya Building , sherif basha street, Downtown , cairo , egypt

  • info@alpa-africa.org
  • (002) 01019557006
  • Head office phone number

Alpa African liver patients association


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The Egyptian Liver Patients Association, represented by Professor Gamal Sheiha, chairman of the board of directors, held a meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, with a number of African associations working in the field of hepatocellular viruses to discuss the formation of the African Liver Patients Association. That was followed by. another conference held in Cairo Sep.2015 to define the shape of the association
Sharm el-Sheikh's conference, held in October 2016, resulted in the final form. of ALPA and since then ALPA has been strengthening its infrastructure
The office of the African Liver Patients Association was established in Cairo as . the headquarters of the Foundation
 The ALPA website has been created: www.alpa-africa.org ALPA staff is working to establish strong partnerships with national , regional . and international entities