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the first African Health Conference

 Under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the first African Health Conference was held in Egypt from January 29 to February 1, 2019, with the participation of the African Liver Patients Association, represented by Dr. Gamal Shiha, President of the Association.

The conference was attended by a number of bodies and African governmental and non-governmental organizations, such as the Faculty of Research and African Studies at Cairo University, the Nasser Military Academy, the Commission of Atomic Energy, IGAD-Health and Social Development-, the Health Commission, the Education Commission, and the Commission on African Affairs of the Egyptian Parliament, the Military Academy of Medicine, the Egyptian Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassadors of Cameroon and Rwanda, the Society for Industrialization and Military Production, the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, and the Orthodox Church of Alexandria.

The conference addressed topics related to different areas of medicine such as oncology and hepatology, in particular viral hepatitis viruses, blood diseases, pediatrics, orthopedics, nephrology, public health, nutrition, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, nursing and continuing medical education, as well as dentistry. The conference was chaired by Dr. Magdy Abdel Raouf, President of Tanta University, Mr. Mahmoud Shakl, Vice President of the Conference, and Dr. Nihal al-Mashd, Secretary General of the Conference.

The conference aimed to develop African cooperation in the fields of medicine and pharmacological treatments, the exchange of experiences and the dissemination of scientific research, with a view to signing cooperation protocols with the African side, which serve the medical fields in the specialties reviewed by the conference.