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World First Aid Day as a great humanitarian action and immediate life-saving response First Aid Day

 World First Aid Day as a great humanitarian action and immediate life-saving response

First Aid Day 
is one of the world's most important days founded by Red Crescent
In addition to FRC International Red Cross 20 and announced the ninth of 
September is an annual World Aid Day
Initial, and to commemorate that day a package is created
Of festive activities and events, for
Affirmation of the importance of first aid training Primitive, to avoid too many accidents.
A spot across the globe, a spotlight on me
The role of first aid in our daily life.
The objectives of  are covered by the International Federation of the Cross
Red to celebrate , First Aid
In raising awareness of the importance of first aid
First aid in saving lives and encouraging  to learn first aid for all members of the community
In addition, emergency courses are offered through community specialists and to raise awareness of the most important issues
Accidents and  external, method
First aid to them, as well as familiarization with those who offer first aid courses
Certified and reliable
First aid is the attempt to achieve, with the best possible health with tools or  skills  simple treatments to the time of arrival  full medical assistance The main subjects taught during first aid courses are: convulsions, fainting  burns, heart attack, drowning cardiac resuscitation and breathing Wounds, bleeding, fractures, abdominal and chest/eye injuries, sudden airway obstruction  shock, coma, poisoning, diarrhea, exposure to extreme heat or cold, electric shock accidents and bites Classify and prevent injuries in accidents, major accidents, and child injuries, study of liver coma, proper management methods, and initial clearance method to provide maximum relief
It should be noted that alcal Al-Ahm has about 10 training centers spread in  governorates of Egypt, and 100 organizations throughout the world have been providing training courses on first aid to individuals and organizations of  civil society and government humiliations, the duration of the course ranges from two days to four days, in addition to their field work In places of accidents and others, as for the virtual courses enables the platform to realize a training course to learn first aid free and always available, anyone can